About Me

My childhood horse, Contessa

My journey working with horses started at the young age of four. I was being bullied, and my Mom thought that if I could handle and communicate with a thousand-pound animal, I could handle and communicate with a bully. My family then started regularly volunteering and even fostering horses at the horse rescue I started riding at. 

At the age of 6, I got my first horse, Contessa. Together, she took me on my first canter, gallop, and many beach rides. Around this same time, I met Lena Haug. She introduced me to the incredible world of mustangs. From the ages of 6-10, I was lucky enough to work with all different types of mustangs, with many different levels of training. This is where I first learned the true meaning of boundaries and how important they are when working with horses. I helped start multiple Mustangs during this time and learned a true foundation for groundwork. While learning these concepts, I was also learning to teach the horses these same concepts.

 At the age of 10, I met Aimee Brimhall McCord and started attending her clinics. Here, I gained greater connection and empathy with horses and the intricacies of their behavior. I learned about heart math and the ability of horses to see the smallest of our intentions.

 At the age of 12, I lost my childhood horse, Contessa to cancer. This changed my life, as I then had to choose to stay in the horse world. I chose to stay because of an incredible horse that I met, Seamus. He was a small, grumpy horse who was impossible to connect with. Seamus made me work harder than any other horse had. I had to completely reinvent the entire way I interacted with horses. Using the methods that I had learned from the incredible horse people in my life, I had to create my own method. A few months later, I bought Seamus and he has been my best friend since. We ride completely bridleless and specialize in movements at liberty.

In 2020, I started working more regularly at the horse rescue I had first started at when I was four. Here, I learned how to rehabilitate horses. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally. Working with these horses who had been abused, neglected, and hurt by humans, I learned how to heal them and truly gain their trust. 

Working with neglected and abused horses changed my style of horsemanship entirely. I became more in tune with their emotions and feelings. I learned to listen to the problems they presented instead of pushing through them.

 I have been exploring helping horses using bodywork such as craniosacral work and acupressure working with practitioners like Tom Mayes. I truly believe that most behavioral issues with horses come from pain if not fear of pain. If we can help our horses become pain free then we are creating a space for safer, more effective training.

I started researching and looking at science-based training, nutrition, and biomechanics, and barefoot hoof trimming. I love teaching because it gives me the ability to continue to learn while sharing information and the power to connect. I am always learning and growing as a trainer. No horse is the same, just as no human is the same, and I'm here to help each individual on their journey to deeper connection.